Yes, it was indeed :) Look at that sky!
Perfect summer weather to sit and have breakfast outside.
Or stand.
A rare smile for the camera.
Then it's back to serious business:
(1) squishing every crumb on the table; and/or
(2) popping them into the mouth.
5 second break from running around.
Time for a nap, I think.
I wished more of my blog posts could be like this one - shoot, upload, no photo editing required, and publish - all within 15 minutes. So far my style of blog-posting is quite time consuming and I could never finish in one go. Each of my London posts have taken 3-4 days on average to complete. And I still have Part 3 to do. Arrgh, I have so many backdated things to post about!
Hope you are having a summer-y day as well :D