Monday, July 23, 2012

Sliding to Paul Simon

Lucas has finally learnt to use his slide properly, instead of going up the wrong end.  So he is a bit obsessed with it at the moment.

His other obsession: colourful four-wheelers.

Our Ikea trolley has been taken over.

Posing with his Tonka collection.
Playskool animals on wheels from Grandpa - these are great!
Perfect size for little hands and fits into pockets and handbags for outings.

Yes, he must also test his friends' four-wheelers.  
Here he is with William's fire engine.

Luckily, Will has an adorable little house so the boys could do some cooking instead.
Trying out Will's culinary delight.

Plastic food is not as good as the real thing, though.

Will's super cute playhouse!

1 comment:

  1. boys and their obsessions with cars.... or rather anything that moves....
